Brookside Weekly Digest 9-15 September 2024

What's happening at Brookside

Hi friends! We hope you’re excited about the week ahead! Here is what is coming up at Brookside this week and over the next few weeks.

You can also view the Brookside Google Calendar and add it to your calendars by clicking the button below.

We’ve colour-coded Brookside events across our platforms for you to spot them more easily:

Spiritual | Study | Professional | Socials | Outreach

If you have any questions about any of the below, check out more details on our Brookside Events WhatsApp group or contact us directly (you may also reply directly to this email).

This week’s focus

  • Meditation on Friday 6 September, 16:30-17:00
    On Fridays at 16:30.

  • Session on dating with Alex Oloo on Friday 13 September at 17:00. Get the girl. Keep the girl. 
    How can you date “properly” as a Christian? And what advice can we get to find a good wife? Stay tuned for more details on this very important and exciting session with a happily married professional!

  • Monthly recollection on Saturday 14 September, 10:00-12:00
    Every 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00. This is a couple of hours of quiet prayer in which we can look at our lives in the presence of God.

  • Brookside Fitness Club on Sunday 15 September, 08:00-09:00
    We meet at Brookside at 08:00 for some stretches. Then we run for about 30 minutes and end with some more stretches.

Make sure not to miss:

Make sure to book for the last spiritual retreat, from Thu 26 Sep to Sun 29 Sep!

A spiritual retreat is a silent weekend away from the city to be alone with God. It’s a powerful experience to bring meaning and direction into your life.

Coming up in the next few weeks…

  • Study Boot Camp on Saturday 28 September, from 08:00 till late
    A full day of immersion into your study without distractions. Put yourself into “flight mode” and experience the silence of the Brookside study room.

Feel free to share this Weekly Digest with anyone who may be interested in our events: