Brookside Weekly Digest 27 May-2 June 2024

What's happening at Brookside

Hi friends! We hope you had a productive week! Here is what is coming up at Brookside this week and over the next few weeks. You will notice that the number of events is decreasing this month, as exams are coming up. In fact, most of the events left are mainly geared towards helping you prepare for exams. We hope to see many of you at the Study Boot Camps! Anyway, let us know if you need any other support.

You can also view the Brookside Google Calendar and add it to your calendars by clicking the button below.

We’ve colour-coded Brookside events across our platforms for you to spot them more easily:

Spiritual | Study | Professional | Socials | Outreach

If you have any questions about any of the below, check out more details on our Brookside Events WhatsApp group or contact us directly (you may also reply directly to this email).

Spotlight from last week

Brookside Residents outing at Capital Craft

The Games Night was fun, and even brought some people to tears!

The Study Boot Camp was super-productive! Hope to see you for the next one on Sat 1 June!

This week’s focus

  • Meditation on Friday 31 May, 16:30-17:00
    On Fridays at 16:30.

  • Study Boot Camp on Saturday 1 June, from 08:00 till late
    A full day of immersion into your study without distractions. Put yourself into “flight mode” and experience the silence of the Brookside study room.

  • Brookside Running Club on Sunday 2 June, 08:00-09:00
    We meet at Brookside at 08:00 for some stretches. Then we run for about 30 minutes and end with some more stretches.

Coming up in the next few weeks…

  • Mass of St Josemaría, Founder of Opus Dei on Saturday 8 June at 11:00, St Pius X Catholic Church, Waterkloof, Pretoria
    It’s that time of the year when we celebrate a great saint so dear to us. We hope to have you there share this special moment with us!

    The monthly recollection will still happen on the same day, but with an important shift to the timetable, as follows:

    10:00 - Spiritual Reading

    10:15 - Talk

    11:00 - Mass at St. Pius X

    13:30 - Bring & Braai at Brookside

    We hope to see you there!

Food for thought

Feel free to share this Weekly Digest with anyone who may be interested in our events: